Category Archives: David Pawson

David Pawson’s Free MP3 Library

UK preacher David Pawson now has a website up where all of his sermons can be downloaded for free.  There are tons and tons of mp3s available.  If you’re looking for a good source of Arminian audio, this is the jackpot.

Site here:

Pawson includes a lot of historical facts in his presentations, which I enjoy.  He comes from a conservative/charismatic/Wesleyan view.  He has done expository preaching on almost every book of the Bible.

Interesting fact: Pawson is a direct descendent of John Pawson, a friend of John Wesley, and one of the first Methodist preachers.


Filed under Arminian Audio, David Pawson

Arminian Audio: David Pawson Series

UK preacher and historian David Pawson is doing a seminar this week at IHOP.  Link here: International House of Prayer: David Pawson.  They are doing live video podcasts and the recorded audio sessions are also available.

There are several talks that address aspects of Calvinism.  There is a two part series called “Grace: Saving, Sovereign, or Free?” and another one called “Once Saved, Always Saved?”


Filed under Arminian Audio, David Pawson

Audio Series on Romans 9-11


Here is a good audio series on Romans 9, 10, and 11 by historian / preacher David Pawson. Pawson argues that Paul wrote the epistle to the Romans in order to address the problem of antisemitism among the Gentile Christians in Rome.

The Roman Church was initially exclusively Jewish, then over time Gentile converts were added. At some point Emperor Claudius ordered all Jews to leave Rome (likely because they were bickering over whether or not Jesus was the Christ). After the death of Claudius, Nero permitted the Jews to again return to Rome.

These edicts impacted the demographics of the Roman church. The church was first Jewish, then because a mixture of Jewish and Gentile, then became exclusively Gentile, then finally was again a mixture of Jews and Gentiles. When the Jewish Christians returned they were not welcomed by the Gentile Christians. The Gentiles were arguing that the Jews were now rejected by God. Pawson argues that the purpose of Paul’s letter was to address the exclusion of the Jews, and that Romans 9-11 in particular addresses this issue.

Romans 9
Romans 10
Romans 11


Filed under Arminian Audio, David Pawson, Romans 10, Romans 11, Romans 9